Jacobson Injury Lawyers is currently accepting cases from individuals who have been injured by Elmiron. If you or someone you care about has suffered injuries from taking Elmiron, contact Jacobson Injury Lawyers today to receive a complimentary case evaluation. There are no upfront fees to retain the services of an attorney from Jacobson Injury Lawyers.

About Elmiron

Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium) is a medication primarily used to treat a condition called interstitial cystitis (IC), which is also known as painful bladder syndrome. IC is a chronic and often painful bladder condition characterized by symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, discomfort or pain in the bladder and pelvic area, and the need to urinate frequently, even at night.

Elmiron is believed to help people with interstitial cystitis by forming a protective coating on the bladder’s inner lining. This protective coating may help to reduce irritation and discomfort in the bladder, alleviate some of the symptoms associated with IC, and improve the patient’s overall quality of life. However, it’s important to note that Elmiron is not a cure for IC, and its effectiveness varies from person to person.

Elmiron and Eye Damage

Many Elmiron users have reported symptoms including blurred vision, difficulty reading, difficulty adjusting to low-light conditions, and visual disturbances like dark spots or lines in their field of vision after taking Elmiron. These symptoms are characteristic of pigmentary maculopathy which has been diagnosed in people taking Elmiron. Pigmentary maculopathy is a type of eye disorder that affects the macula, which is the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, central vision. In this condition, there is an accumulation of pigmentary changes and abnormalities in the macular region of the eye. A diagnosis for pigmentary maculopathy is only obtained following imaging of the eye and subsequent analysis by a trained ophthalmologist. Jacobson Injury Lawyers can help locate a ophthalmologist that can diagnose Elmiron induced pigmentary maculopathy.

New FDA Warning

The association between Elmiron and pigmentary maculopathy emerged as a potential side effect based on reports and studies of individuals who had taken Elmiron for an extended period. In response to these reports, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) added a warning to the Elmiron label in 2020, cautioning healthcare professionals and patients about the potential risk of eye-related adverse events, including pigmentary maculopathy. The FDA recommended regular eye examinations for patients taking Elmiron, especially those on long-term Elmiron treatment.

Who Qualifies

Jacobson Injury Lawyers is accepting Elmiron cases for persons that (1) were prescribed Elmiron for two or more years; (2) experienced vision problems such as blurred vision, trouble focusing, difficulty reading or vision loss; and (3) experienced vision problems within one year of the final dose of Elmiron. A diagnosis for Elmiron induced pigmentary maculopathy is only obtained following imaging of the eye and subsequent analysis by a trained ophthalmologist. Accordingly, if you meet preliminary qualification for an Elmiron injury claim, Jacobson Injury Lawyers will provide you with a free eye examination to determine if you have Elmiron induced pigmentary maculopathy. Thereafter, Jacobson Injury Lawyers will remain by your side throughout the entire process and tirelessly advocate for your rights until you receive the compensation you deserve for your injury. Call Jacobson Injury Lawyers today to talk to an attorney that will provide a free cases evaluation.

About The Elmiron Lawsuit

Elmiron is produced by Janssen Pharmaceuticals which is a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. The first lawsuit was filed against Janssen Pharmaceuticals in 2020. The lawsuit alleged that extended use of Elmiron resulted in the development of nighttime vision loss, pigmentary maculopathy, visual deterioration, retinal damage, and retinal hemorrhage. They asserted that Elmiron had defects and that Janssen Pharmaceuticals neglected to provide them and their healthcare providers with adequate warnings regarding the potential for lasting vision impairment.

There are approximately 1900 people claiming injury from Elmiron with cases filed in multidistrict litigation in New Jersey. Multidistrict litigation refers to a process where numerous lawsuits are filed against a small group of defendants claiming harm from a similar source. The multidistrict litigation is important because it is the venue where people claiming Elmiron injuries are able to file a lawsuit against Jassen Pharmaceuticals. Importantly it appears (based on hearsay) that Janssen Pharmaceuticals might be interested in settling claims filed in the multidistrict litigation in New Jersey. However, there are no public verified reports that Jassen Pharmaceuticals is settling claims in the multidistrict litigation.

Call Jacobson Injury Lawyers Today

If you have been injured by Elmiron, it is crucial to reach out to an attorney without delay. Every state has a specific time frame during which you must file your Elmiron lawsuit. Failure to file in a timely manner may preclude you from being able to obtain compensation for your Elmiron injury. Jacobson Injury Lawyers are ready and available to provide you with a free case evaluation today. Importantly, there are no upfront fees to retain the services of a skilled attorney from Jacobson Injury Lawyers. You only pay a fee when you have won or settled your case. Do not hesitate – call Jacobson Injury Lawyers today.